Question: How long have you worked at Beacon Wealth Consultants?
Rick: I started the company in my 20’s with the objective of providing clients with truly independent and objective planning advice that was based on achieving their unique goals and dreams. This was a very different model from many large firms whose main goal is to sell high-profit products. Back in those first few years we did business under the name Kairos Financial Group. Kairos is a Greek word for time, but rather than chronological time it has more to do with the present moment being pregnant with possibility. As a planner and a Christ follower, that remains a very exciting concept to me to this day.
Question: What excites you about the Biblically Responsible Investing movement?
Rick: When I first learned about Biblically Responsible Investing back in the mid 1990’s, it was really brand new. There were only a small handful of funds available that met the standards of BRI and only a few advisors who were actually doing it. Fast forward 20 years and we have dozens of investment options, including mutual funds, Exchange Traded Funds and Institutional money managers with which to build high quality portfolios – all with some level of BRI mandate. More and more advisors are having values-centered discussions with their clients resulting in increasing BRI implementation. The most exciting thing I see is the heart change among advisors and investors alike and the positive impact BRI is beginning to have on publicly traded companies as a result.
Question: What type of environment do you hope to create when working with clients?
Rick: We love building high-trust relationships with clients where we get to be the guide on the lifelong journey of becoming faithful stewards. Helping folks build their God-given dreams while at the same time preserving and perpetuating their faith values is extremely gratifying!
Question: In your opinion, what does Beacon Wealth Consultants offer clients that they can’t find anywhere else?
Rick: Beyond our 20 years of experiencing managing BRI portfolios, we provide clients with a high touch experience and level of professionalism that is growing increasingly rare in today’s marketplace. As a young man in business, a mentor once told me that the greatest marketing strategy an advisor could ever have is to out-serve the competition – I truly believe that!