Individuals and families

Typically, individuals and couples we work with have been diligent workers and savers. After many years contributing to employer retirement plans and to personal savings and investing and accumulating assets, they are now nearing retirement.
Like many people transitioning to retirement, they are looking forward to changing gears to travel, spend time with family, and pursue their interests. Underneath this anticipation is some anxiety around their finances -- How do they turn their accounts into regular income? Will their money run out during retirement? Will they be able to leave anything to their heirs?
They believe that God has made them a steward of these assets and want to manage them but, they also have an unsettled feeling not knowing if their investments are aligned with their faith. How can they know what they are profiting from with their investments?
Does this sound like you?
For more than 25 years Beacon Wealth Consultants has helped people just like you to gain confidence about their finances and peace of mind about
their stewardship responsibility.
Our True Wealth Solution is ongoing comprehensive financial planning that helps you identify your goals and dreams and develop a plan to reach them. Using our LightPoint Portfolios, we allow you to pursue you financial and investing goals in a way that aligns with your values – seeking to screen out unbiblical companies and business practices and seek out companies that are
contributing to human flourishing.
If that sounds like the kind of service you’ve been looking for, contact us for a
complimentary “get to know you” call!
Education and resources
How do you know what you’re invested in?
How do you know what you’re invested in? American consumers and investors are increasingly interested in knowing that the money...
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4 Financial Retirement Questions to Ask Yourself
4 Financial Retirement Questions to Ask Yourself Retirement is a goal shared by people of all walks of life and...
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Retirement: A Time of Purpose and Impact
Retirement: A Time of Purpose and Impact Think about the word “retirement.” What do you picture in your mind? What...
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