Have you given up on your New Years resolutions already? Good intentions sometimes lead to biting off more than you can chew. Many great resolutions have fallen by the wayside by the time February rolls around.
But don’t be discouraged! Here are a few super easy things you can do to make improvements in 2025!
Read a good financial book
This year, why not dive into some good financial reads that will enlarge your view of Christian stewardship in how you give, manage, and invest the money God’s given you. Here are some suggestions to get you started!
- The Treasure Principle by Randy Alcorn
- Whole Heart Finances by Shane Enete
- An Uncommon Guide to Retirement by Jeff Haanen
- I Found Jesus in the Stock Market by Cassandra Laymon (Beacon Wealth Consultants’ president!)
Read a good spiritual book
While you’re reading, why not add a good faith-based book to your reading pile. Here are some team favorites!
- A Praying Life by Paul Miller
- Delighting in the Trinity by Michael Reeves
- Tactics by Greg Koukl
- Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life by Donald Whitney
Go for a walk
If you intended to hit the gym every day in January but have already given up, try starting with an easier health goal like going for a walk every day.
Walking is free and relatively easy but has great health benefits like burning calories, boosting energy, and improving your mood. You can even do it on your lunch break or with friends or family!
Keep a record of thankfulness
The Bible commands and encourages us to give thanks to God. Why not write down something you are thankful for every day?
You could write it in a journal, send yourself an email…any number of ways. It will help you remember ways God is actively working in your life and help you live with a grateful heart.
Memorize one (or more!) Bible verses
Memorization is not typically emphasized in American life and I suspect technology, for all it’s benefits, has given us excuses not to memorize things.
Psalm 119:11 says, “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.” When was the last time you memorized a Bible verse? Why not start today?
Increase your Retirement Plan Contributions
Increasing your contributions by 1-2% each year is an easy way to save more for retirement every year and many people don’t even notice to change on their paycheck.
Some 401(k) and 403(b) plans even allow you to set up these increases so they happen automatically. If you set it up to auto-increase you won’t even have to remember to do it next year!
Increase your giving
Increasing retirement contributions is great advice to follow but have you ever considered increasing your giving by 1-2% each year?
Imagine the kind of Kingdom impact you could have if you increased your giving every year over many years. How would your church or other worthy organizations be blessed by this generosity?
Pray before you look at your phone every day
Many people are in the habit of looking at their phone first thing in the morning, checking notifications, social media, emails…sometimes before even getting out of bed!
Why not commit to spending a few minutes in prayer before you look at your phone? How would you day start off differently if you were checking in with God before you checked in with the world?
Have coffee or lunch with someone from a different generation
When was the last time you shared a meal or had coffee with someone from a different generation? (Family doesn’t count!)
Inter-generational friendship can have huge benefits – friendship, wisdom, different perspective, inspiration – and impact of both people. Is there someone at church or work you could invite?
Eat off your salad plate
Many of us struggle with over-eating at mealtimes. One trick to help control your eating is to switch to using your salad plates.
The salad plate is that smaller plate that probably doesn’t get a lot of action. Typically, diners fill their plate so merely switching to a smaller plate cuts down on the food you’re eating. Avoid seconds and you’ve just added a little more control back into your diet.
Find out what you own and are profiting from in your investments
Sadly, many Christians are unknowingly profiting from things like abortion, pornography, and products that prey on human addiction.
Also, many Christians are missing out on the joy of investing in and profiting from companies with products, services and business practices that benefit people and communities.
Make a commitment to “know what you own.” It’s super easy, just request a complimentary portfolio screening and we’ll let you know if your current investments align with your values.
Click here to request a portfolio screening report: https://www.beaconwealth.com/screen-your-portfolio/
Align your investments with your values
Once you “know what you own”, you may find that you are profiting from some products or services that go against your values.
This is not uncommon.
Each of our clients (and our advisors too!) started out the same place you are: a desire to better align their investments with their values!
For over 27 years we’ve specialized in helping Christians like you invest in a way that honors their faith, pursues their financial goals, and makes an impact through purposeful investment selection.
Faith-based, biblically responsible investing is a worthy goal to pursue and it’s easy to get started. It starts with a conversation, so give us a call!
I hope these will help you score some quick wins in 2025! Remember, big benefits can come from small changes!
Call us today! (540) 345-3891
Do you know what business practices you are supporting through your current investments?
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